Contact Address
PT. Efasindo Primantara
Jendral Sudirman 47 B
Palembang 30134
South Sumatera - Indonesia
Phone: +62(711) 352239
(Hunting), 352367, 353805
Fax : +62(711) 310667
Email : efasindo
PT. Efasindo Primantara Lampung
Laks. Malahayati 66
Teluk Betung
Bandar Lampung
Phone: +62 85195118838
Email : efasindolpg
PT. Efasindo Primantara Jambi
Hayam Wuruk No. 3
Phone: +62 8117858863
Email : efasindojbi

Welcome to
PT. Efasindo Primantara
PT. Efasindo Primantara has been an official distributor since 1989 for area South Sumatera, Jambi and Lampung.
Contact us for further information.
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